
Aboure Pokedex

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

001 Grasguana (Grass)
002 Turfuana (Grass/Dark)
003 Lawguana (Grass/Dark)
004 Wolfagic (Fire)
005 Wolfrick (Fire/Psychic)
006 Wolfystic (Fire/Psychic)
007 Skilotter (Water)
008 Fighotter (Water/Fighting)
009 Brawotter (Water/Fighting)
010 Kitfright (Dark)
011 Catscare (Dark)
012 Duochain (Steel)
013 Triochain (Steel)
014 Parroswin (Normal/Flying)
015 Parrodive (Water/Flying)
016 Parrosplash (Water/Flying)
017 Wearock (Rock/Fighting)
018 Medstone (Rock/Fighting)
019 Stronoulder (Rock/Fighting)
020 Mousee (Normal)
021 Mousearch (Normal)
022 Graspillar (Bug/Grass)
023 Leafcoon (Bug/Grass)
024 Leaflutterfly (Bug/Grass)
025 Inchgas (Bug/Poison)
026 Pupafart (Bug/Poison)
027 Mothulence (Bug/Poison)
028 Albamind (Psychic/Flying)
029 Memoratross (Psychic/Flying)
030 Happup (Grass)
031 Gladog (Grass)
032 Angpup (Fire)
033 Maddog (Fire)
034 Sadpup (Water)
035 Crydog (Water)
036 Mimetrick (Psychic/Dark)
037 Guillocrab (Steel/Water)
038 Rocpunch (Rock/Fighting)
039 Papjump (Normal/Fighting)
040 Sciskick (Steel/Fighting)
041 Wheenitro (Normal)
042 Tirnitro (Normal/Fire)
043 Phonlight (Normal)
044 Tablight (Normal)
045 Starberite (Ice)
046 Starbish (Ice)
047 Starbuxe (Ice)
048 Chocite (Ice)
049 Chocodish (Ice)
050 Chocouxe (Ice)
051 Draceon (Dragon)
052 Starainbow (Fairy)
053 Shootainbow (Fairy)
054 Bladkes (Ice/Steel)
055 Bulflash (Electric)
056 Lamshine (Electric)
057 Camummy (Ground/Ghost)
058 Slowqueen (Water/Psychic)
059 Cuchild (Normal)
060 Cubteen (Normal)
061 Lioking (Normal)
062 Lioqueen (Normal)
063 Copbot (Normal)
064 Fruikey (Grass)
065 Starbeam (Fairy)
066 Sabalava (Rock/Fire)
067 Magmertooth (Rock/Fire)
068 Slothicer (Rock/Ice)
069 Slothozen (Rock/Ice)
070 Burngine (Fire)
071 Airflame (Fire/Flying)
072 Multime (Electric)
073 Diviby (Electric)
074 Busburn (Grass/Fire)
075 Treeburn (Grass/Fire)
076 Porpofire (Water/Fire)
077 Dolphember (Water/Fire)
078 Hulancer (Water/Grass)
079 Huloofer (Water/Grass)
080 Cloushock (Electric/Flying)
081 Cloubolt (Electric/Flying)
082 Cloudstreak (Electric/Flying)
083 Castrength (Rock/Fighting)
084 Fielnymph (Grass)
085 Meadhopper (Grass)
086 Marattle (Normal)
087 Marashake (Normal/Fighting)
088 Vespiking (Bug/Fighting)
089 Sunity (Fire)
090 Moonity (Psychic)
091 Sunoonity (Fire/Psychic)
092 Broweason (Normal)
093 Salwhite (Normal)
094 Pepblack (Normal)
095 Cannbomb (Steel)
096 Riola (Fighting)
097 Lucaria (Fighting/Steel)
098 Winfox (Fighting)
099 Chamfox (Fighting)
100 Sanshell (Water/Ground)
101 Desturtle (Water/Ground)
102 Youncalf (Normal)
103 Adulcow (Normal)
104 Stinstruct (Poison)
105 Gasplosion (Poison)
106 Begiknight (Steel)
107 Intavalier (Steel)
108 Experlier (Steel)
109 Skulbite (Ghost)
110 Skelepire (Ghost/Dark)
111 Frankenerd (Ghost)
112 Witcester (Psychic/Ghost)
113 Werecreep (Dark/Ghost)
114 Basihit (Dragon)
115 Basipunch (Dragon)
116 Basismash (Dragon/Fighting)
117 Solubble (Water)
118 Duoubble (Water)
119 Trioubble (Water)
120 Fawby (Normal/Grass)
121 Cleanypus (Water)
122 Dirtypus (Water/Ground)
123 Flowurn (Grass/Fire)
124 Flowzen (Grass/Ice)
125 Flowoison (Grass/Poison)
126 Gilautal (Dark/Dragon)
127 Gilalent (Dark/Dragon)
128 Gilaicious (Dark/Dragon)
129 Icehill (Ice)
130 Snountain (Ice/Rock)
131 Seanami (Water/Fighting)
132 Eartasu (Ground/Fighting)
133 Flarenoo (Fire/Fighting)
134 Aikaze (Flying/Fighting)
135 Hottosuku (Fire/Dragon)
136 Korudora (Ice/Dragon)
137 Attairyo (Grass/Dragon)
138 Hikasend (Normal/Flying)
139 Kuragaru (Dark/Flying)
140 Nekoranto (Fighting)
141 Nightmrince (Dark/Fairy)
142 Dreamcess (Psychic/Fairy)
143 Gemspark (Rock/Electric)
144 Yosoragon (Normal)
My list of Fakémon is moved here.
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